Family Fun

The South County Museum Keeps Traditions Alive

The museum now offers classes like blacksmithing, that transport kids back in time


Material gifts are great and all, but their limited shelf lives mean they will eventually be replaced or discarded. Experiences and memories, that’s what you want to give – something that sticks with someone for years or helps broaden their knowledge of life.

For example, imagine giving someone the opportunity to swing wild a mallet after removing metal from a coal-fired forge. And after all that swinging, the mallet wielder can take home their hand-forged creation, giving them a physical representation of what they learned and experienced.

Now that – well, that’s a gift worth giving, and it’s exactly what South County Museum is offering with their Introduction to Blacksmithing class. Hosted on the grounds of the museum, in their Peter Crolius Blacksmith Shop, the class provides participants with tools and hands-on training in a safe environment. (For less mallet swinging, they are also offering an Introduction to Letterpress Printing class.)

Both classes cost $90 for two people and last approximately three hours.  

south county museum, blacksmithing, letterpress printing, class, learn, so rhode island


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