
Go Green

Starting early on an eco-friendly life


Teach your children to be ecofriendly, healthy and sustainable. Family-owned and Rhode Island based Mama Earth provides green services and natural care products for adults and children alike. As a mom, you can help both the environment and your baby by using cloth diapers; Mama Earth’s cloth diaper service offers free delivery after cleaning. Perc-free eco-dry cleaning with a free delivery service is also available for everyday clothes. And for those of you who value farm fresh, organic food for your little one but don’t have the time to prepare it, Mama Earth’s homemade baby food delivery may be the way to go. Local chefs will prepare and deliver the food to your door for a weekly fee. The company even extends their offerings to body wash, shampoo, moisturizer and pet shampoo, available on their website.

mama earth, ecofriendly, earth, natural, green, homemade, delivery, baby, babies, organic food, south county


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